Year 3
Welcome to Year 3, Term 3!
Our topic this term is 'Flying Food Airways'. We will be learning all about where in the world our food comes from and how it gets onto our supermarket shelves. In English, we will be writing our own set of instructions to make a fruit salad as well as writing a recount for a journey across the world. In art, we will be creating our own digital art piece based on the works of David Hockney. In music we will be composing and performing our own songs using only 3 notes. We will also be celebrating Multicultural Arts Week and learning about a variety of cultures around the globe.
P.E. Day - Tuesday
This term, we will be taking part in hockey. Children need to have their PE kits in school to take part, given that we will be outdoors it would be ideal for children to bring in jogging bottoms to wear. For safety, please make sure earrings are removed before school on Tuesdays.
Some useful websites
Class dojo
Use this to keep in touch with your class teacher and see the exciting things the children are getting up to.
Times Tables Rockstars
A great tool to help children really get to grips with their times tables. Your child has their own login, please contact the class teacher if you need any help logging on.
Spelling Shed
Check out this week's spellings and help your child learn with fun games and activities. Your child has their own login, please contact the class teacher if you need any help logging on.