
Times of the School Day

School Day Timetable

8:30am School Gates Open
8:40am Registration
8:45am Whole School Assembly/Class Assembly
9:00am Maths
10:00am Key Skills
11:00am English
12:00pm Lunch and Play
12:50pm Foundation Subjects
15:10pm End of the School Day

The gate will open for children enter school from 8.30am and go straight to class. For the safety of your child, please do not leave your child unattended at school before this time as the school gate is not open.

At 8:30 a member of staff will man the school gate if any parent has a query or wishes to make an appointment to see a teacher. Parents may still visit the office if they need to drop of letters or money.

All children using a mobile phone will need to hand it in to their teacher, turned off, at the beginning of the day. They will be stored, securely until the end of the day, when they should be collected by the child in person.

Please be ready to collect your child at the end of the day (15:10). If you are unable to collect or you have to make alternative arrangements please notify the school.

This equates to 33 hours of education a week.