
Year 6


Welcome to Term 4

A prehistoric puzzle


In this topic we will be learning about life in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age.

During Science week we will be looking at inheritance and evolution.

Throughout the term we will use a range of search technologies and perfect our drawing and painting skills in Art. 

Stone Age to the Iron Age Timeline - St Cyprian's Greek Orthodox Primary  Academy

Some of our WOW moments will be:   

Museum virtual workshop about the Stone Age and a drama workshop about the Stone Age to the Iron Age. 

Science week will include workshops with manta ray experts, a bee workshop and a talk with a vet and pathologist. 


Our P.E. day this term is Friday. Please make sure you have the correct P.E. clothes (blue/black shorts or tracksuit bottoms and a white polo) with you and trainers and make sure your earrings are out ready for the lesson. Just a reminder, earrings and a watch are the only items of jewellery that the children should be wearing to school 



Children must be reading at least 3x a week and using their TT Rockstars and Ed Shed log-ins.

Homework will be sent out every Friday and will include maths and grammar. The homework sheet is due in by the following Friday. 


Class Dojos 

Log in to Class Dojos to see how well your child is getting on in school.  It is also a way to keep in contact with the class teacher and keep up to date with any exciting events.